Kardesim Nazim: Michigan Astronomy kulubunden arkadasim Joe Bruessow'un cok begendigim Adromeda gokadasi goruntusunu gonderiyorum. Joe bu saheseri Michigan'daki gecen haftaki gozlem toplantimizda cekti. Asagida Joe'nun goruntuyu size gondermem icin verdigi izni ve teknik bilgileri gonderiyorum.
Dear Timur: I am so very flattered that you like my image. I am slowly improving at processing. You are more than welcome to share and use the image... I will probably reprocess it sometime and make it better, but work is very hectic so that will have to wait.
Specs are:
1) AstroTech 66ed Telescope with W.O. 0.8x Reducer/Flattener. 2) ST2000xm unbinned - Luminance 70 minutes, RGB - 20 minutes each. 3) Mount Losmandy G11 w/ Gemini 4) Processed in Maxim DL and Photoshop CS2
Ağustos 2007 tarihinde, yönetiminden ve güvenliğinden sorumlu olduğumuz web sitesine ait ModSecurity [1] web uygulama güvenlik duvarı saldırı kayıt dosyasında ilginç! bir saldırı dizgisi gözlemledik (Şekil 1).
Well I believe there's someone watching over you They're watching every single thing you say And when you die They'll set you down and take you through You'll realise one day That the grass is always greener on the other side The neighbour's got a new car that you wanna drive And when time is running out you wanna stay alive We all live under the same sky We all will live, we all will die There is no wrong, there is no right The circle only has one side! We all try hard to live our lives in harmony For fear of falling swiftly overboard But life is both a major and minor key Just open up the chord But the grass is always greener on the other side The neighbour's got a new car that you wanna drive And when time is running out you wanna stay alive We all live under the same sky We all will live, we all will die There is no wrong, there is no right The circle only has one side