Aşağıdaki ifade NASA Goddard Uzay Çalışmaları Enstitüsünde 1998 yılında yayınlanan bir makaleden alınmıştır...
Şu paragrafa dikkat;
Current trends in Mediterranean population growth, land and water use, and food supply and demand reveal significant differences between the Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries. Over the past 30 years, population growth in the Mediterranean region has increased by 50% to a current estimated total of 400 million. Growth rates were four times higher in the southern basin (3.2% /yr) than in the northern countries (0.8% /yr), with the gap in growth rates currently widening. Thirty years ago both northern and southern countries satisfied about 90% of their internal demand for food. However, today while the northern basin is self- sufficient, the southern countries produce less than 60% of their food.
İnsan nüfusuna müdahele edilemeyeceğine göre (Gelişmiş Ülkelerin, 3. Dünya ülkelerine baskı uygulama kaygısı...) şimdilik küresel ısıtma kaynağı İnsan Nüfusuda artışına devam edecek...
Kaynak :NASA