7 Aralık 2007 Cuma

:: Gizli servis trojana karşı uyarıyor...

İngiliz gizli servisi MI5'in şefi Jonathan Evans firmaları Çin'den gelebilecek olan bir trojana karşı uyardı.

Londoner Times'ın bildirdiğine göre Evans, 300 firmaya bir mektup yolladı. Bu mektupta Çin trojanın nasıl tanımlanabileceğine dair açıklamalar bulunuyordu.

Çin ordusu için çalışan hackerler Federal Almanya Başbakanlığına, Pentagon'a ve İngiliz parlamentosuna yapılan saldırılardan sorumlu tutuluyor.

Kaynak : Olympos

The head of Britain's domestic spy agency has warned that China is spying on the computer systems of British corporations, The Times of London reported.

The MI5 chief, Jonathan Evans, sent a letter last week to 300 executives and security chiefs at banks, accountancies and legal firms, warning them that they were under attack from "Chinese state organizations" over the Internet, the newspaper reported Saturday.

The newspaper said the letter had also been posted on a secure section of the Web site of the government's Center for the Protection of the National Infrastructure.

It included ways of identifying Chinese "Trojans," software designed to hack into a computer network and feed back confidential data, The Times said.

The government Home Office, which oversees MI5, said it would not comment on private correspondence.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown said last month that he would make his first visit to China as prime minister in January.

China has steadfastly denied being engaged in any cyber crime and said its networks also had been targeted.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in London did not immediately return a call seeking comment on the Times report. And telephone calls to the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Beijing and a duty officer's mobile phone went unanswered late Saturday.

Computer experts have blamed hackers linked to the Chinese military for cyber attacks on the U.S. Pentagon, the British Parliament and the German Chancellery.

A report issued by the security software vendor McAfee on Thursday, based on McAfee research and input from security experts with NATO, the FBI and other intelligence organizations, said hackers in China were believed responsible for four out of five major cyber attacks on government targets in 2007.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Liu Jianchao, said at a briefing Thursday that China had "also been attacked by hackers of some countries, so the Chinese government attaches great importance to and participates in the international law enforcement cooperation in this area."